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Personal Injury Care
Although none of us want to get into an accident sometimes it is out of our control. Car accident can cause serious injury to the body, spine, brain and the mind regardless of the damage to your car.
Auto injuries are a common source of acute as well as chronic pain. Getting the proper treatment early after your crash can be very important in recovering quickly. Car accident can also be an emotional stresser causing us nervousness, anxiety and sleep disturbance. Our philosophy is that the pain tends to be a reminder of the accident, so the quicker we get you out of pain, the less you will be reminded of the accident. Most auto injury pain originates in the spine, and that's why chiropractic can be beneficial: we get to the underlying trauma that you experienced and help your body heal. Dr. Li is a graduate of Whiplash and Brain Injury Traumatology at the Spine Research Institute of San Diego. Graduates of this program have received the most in-depth, science-based training available today. The program covers the entire spectrum from the physics of motor vehicle crashes to human biomechanics to diagnostics and management. If you just got into a car accident and not sure what to do, or your symptom is not improving with your current treatment, feel free to contact us for a consultation and/or a second opinion with Dr. Li. We accept Personal Injury Liens We accept and treat car accident injuries. We prepare proper documentation to substantiate your injuries and potential need for further medical care. This information is crucial in helping your car accident attorney, if you decide to hire one, to be the most successful in settling your case. We can also put you in touch with one of our trusted attorneys if you do not have one. |
accept Medical Payment from your auto insurance or through a third party.
We speak your language
Our staff speaks English, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Feel free to contact us at (310) 207-1007 or [email protected] if you have any question.
Location |
Office Hours
Monday 10:00 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7 PM Saturday 9 AM -3 PM |
Office Information
Dr. Jack Li, D.C.
12340 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 129 West Los Angeles, CA 90025 Call for an appointmentText us: (323) 452-3606